
Home automation system using HC-05 Bluetooth module with Arduino Nano

  Using HC-05 Bluetooth module and Arduino nano making home automation system which can be controlled by smartphone Components 1.Arduino nano 2.hc-05 Bluetooth module 3.4 Channel relay module 4.blanck PCB 5.Jumper connectors source  code and cicuit diagram are on below link

How to take a screenshot in raspberry

1)install this application by pasting the below given command   sudo apt-get install scrot 2) after installing ( scrot ) by applying  this command in terminal you can take a screen short instantly 3)if you want to take a delayed screen short the you can apply this command( scrot -d 10   ) ****all your screen shot images will be saved in home folder****

GPIO control commands using terminal

1) (gpio readall) using this command you can read the stratus of gpio pin status 2)(gpio -g mode 22 out)this command helps to on the gpio pin (gpio -g mode 22 in)this command helps to off the gpio pin where 22 is number of gpio pin you can change the pin number which you want to control 3)below given picture will help to find and analyse gpio pins

how to open a folder in raspberry with root permission

1)open the folder which you want to access as root user 2)goto tools-----------open current folder in terminal 3)type this command in terminal (sudo pcmanfm)and press enter 4)same folder will open age now you can edit,delete,or do any modification 

Screen blanking issue in raspberry pi solved

by default, the Raspberry Pi Desktop does not have any easy-to-use screensaver software installed, although the screensaver is enabled. Firstly, you should install the X Windows screensaver application. Once this has been installed, you can find the screensaver application under the Preferences option on the main desktop menu. This provides many options for setting up the screensaver, or disabling it completely. sudo apt install xscreensaver go to preferences and select screen saver got o mode and select disable screen saver done now your raspberry pi screen will not go blank 

Raspberry Pi HDMI display not working, solution

1)open terminal 2) type(sudo nano /boot/config.txt) 3) find (hdmi_force_hotplug=1)uncomment the # simple before the line 4) find (config_hdmi_boost=4)uncomment the # simple before the line 5) press ctrl+o 6)press enter 7) press ctrl+x 8)press enter 9) reboot your system .it,done